Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Here’s what I have learnt about poker during the quarantine period

poker during the quarantine

Check out to see what I have discovered about poker and pokerace99 during the lockdown period. See my conclusions about the most legendary card game from the time of quarantine and Covid-19.

Quarantine period in most of the countries is about to over. We hope it’s going to be forever. We have, though, learnt a lot of things during these hard times, haven’t we? About ourselves, about our nations, about our world…

Personally I got my lessons. And I also got a couple of conclusions about my hobby, which I believe is your hobby, too – poker game. During the quarantine time you might have used most of your free time for playing poker in the internet. Well, me, too. And here’s what I have learnt about the game during the lockdown time.

  1. Poker is indeed a game that is going to last forever. To be correct, gambling industry in the internet as a whole. Let me remind you that most of the businesses literally shut down. Anything happened to your most beloved website? Not all. There were even websites like pokerace99 that debuted earlier to promote their quarantine poker bonuses.
  2. Poker is a great thing to kill some time. It’s not only about the money, you will agree. Everyone, who’s really keen in the game, would agree. Poker is a game that tempts you. It’s an activity that makes you smarter, because you should think all the session long. Poker is a fantastic way to spend time with your family.
  3. Playing poker with real money can be really a second job. Anyone left with no official money during the lockdown? Hell, yeah. We have all found out what’s like to be jobless, right? Unfortunately, we have also found out what’s like not to have any income. Those, who regularly play real money poker games, though, have finally admitted it – it’s possible to back up your budget with poker money. It’s even possible to make poker your secondary job. Some pros even succeed in making the game their permanent job position.
  4. Poker is fun, but also releases the pressure. Did you notice that unlike your parents or colleagues, who couldn’t stop reading bad news about the coronavirus speedy spread, you remained calm? It’s because you had something to destruct your attention with. Unfortunately, to get such a thing is not an easy thing when you are in a stressful situation. This thing should truly engage your mind not just being practiced with the idea to get the Covid-19 idea out of your head. And poker does engage your entire mind and body, doesn’t it?

These were my lessons I got for poker during the lockdown. I hope you are all ok and safe after this harsh time. It changed us all. But those who play poker definitely still love the game. Just like me.

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